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Winwin - iPass student of the month

WinWin joined iPass in August this year because she needed an overall band 6.5 in Academic IELTS in order to study for a BA in English with Psychology in Singapore.

She decided to join the 30-day IELTS Express course because she was planning to take her test in September and didn’t have very long to prepare.

5 weeks after signing up, WinWin wrote to us to say that she had got the scores she needed: Listening: 6; Reading: 7; Writing: 6; Speaking: 6; Overall: 6.5

She was able to go ahead with her university application and is now waiting to hear if she has been accepted.

We really hope that she will be so that she can go even further and fulfil her ultimate dream of studying for a master’s degree in the UK or US.



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