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NEW! IELTS Indicator test


IELTS Partners have launched a new IELTS Indicator test, for students who are not able to attend an IELTS test centre due to the Covid-19 related restrictions.

From April 22nd, IELTS candidates will be able to book the timed online test which will assess their English language skills in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking from the comfort of their home.

The format and the timing of the new online version will be the same as the regular IELTS test and candidates will still conduct their speaking test face-to-face with a trained IELTS Examiner via a video call.

The tests will still also be marked by official IELTS Examiners, although it should be noted that the purpose of the test is to give universities a clear indication of an applicant’s English language level.

This will allow students to go ahead with their university applications during the current period of disruption. However, it should be noted that as IELTS Indicator provides an indicative score only, it is not accepted by all organisations.

Therefore, before booking the test, candidates should check with their university or educational institution to see if the result will be accepted or not.

The IELTS Indicator test will be available in selected locations where it is not currently possible to deliver in-person IELTS testing and it will be delivered online once a week at scheduled times.

Candidates will be able to book a test from 22 April.

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