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Extending your vocabulary: using similies

Did you already know any of the similies in the video? Have you ever used them to describe people you know, or maybe even to describe yourself!

There are lots more you can use which have exactly the same structure: AS + ADJECTIVE + AS + NOUN

Here are a few more….... Can you guess what they all mean?

1. As bold as brass
2. As bright as a button
3. As cool as a cucumber
4. As dull as dishwater
5. As deaf as a post
6. As fit as a fiddle
7. As nutty as a fruitcake
8. As sly as a fox
9. As thin as a rake
10. As tough as old boots

Now try my quiz! Which expressions describes someone who is…...

a) very boring?
b) in good physical shape?
c) very cunning?
d) a bit crazy?
e) alert and intelligent?
f) very slim or underweight?
g) always in control?
h) very confident?
i) mentally and physically strong?
j) not able to hear well?

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