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Idiom workout: describing people

In Part 2 of the IELTS speaking test you might be asked to describe a family member or a close friend. Or you might be asked to describe a favourite teacher, a famous person you’d like to meet or someone you admire and respect.

Even in Part 1 of the test you might be asked to describe the people in your life and how you are similar or different to them.

So it’s a great idea to revise some idiomatic uses of English that can be used to describe both positive and negative characteristics of different types of people.

This short video gives you a few examples:

And a few more to research:

- all brawn and no brain(s)
- a doubting Thomas
- as hard as nails
- silver-tongued
- a tower of strength


If you can provide a clear definition and an example sentence for each of the 5 idioms above, you could win a free iPass English course!!

Just send your answers to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) before Friday 21st July.


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