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Yuko Transcript

Part 1 (0-4.34)

E = Examiner Y = Yuko

E: Good morning Yuko.

Y: Good morning.

E: Let's talk about what you do, first of all. Do you work or are you a student?

Y: I do work.

E: And what's your job?

Y: My job is to help, um, Europe or American fashion brands to get into Japanese market.

E: And how long have you done this job?

Y: I've been doing this job for nearly ten years.

E: And what do you like about your job?

Y: Um, I do like fashion and I have a passion about it, and I like to help people. So, to help brands to come into Japan is to kind of, to combine of helping people as well as, um, doing something that I like.

E: Ok, and what job do you hope to be doing in ten years' time?

Y: In ten years' time I do want to do more... different type of job, to help people on volunteer basis, not to look for benefits, or big money to my life. After I have a baby, I see more, I've got different values of my life, and there are so many people, children who needs help, or, or need something that we have got but they haven't got, and in ten years' time I can, I hope I can do something for them.

E: Ok, thank you. Let's talk about where you live next. What sort of home do you live in?

Y: We live in flat, um, on top of a building. It's a nice flat.

E: And how long have you lived in your home?

Y: We've been living there only for a year and a half now.

E: And what do you like about your home?

Y: We, because we live in Barcelona, and lots of, there are many houses in the town, lots of buildings which are not getting sun inside, and not having terrace or balcony, but one we found last year where we live now, have got huge terrace outside and it just makes feel like having a garden, outside yeah.

E: And what would you like to improve about your home?

Y: Um, I would like to do, would like to have a bit more plants and flowers outside, and inside, maybe the kitchen shelves are getting a bit old, so we are going to change them very soon.

E: Ok, now let's move on to talk about food and eating. When do you eat your main meal of the day?

Y: I think the main meal could be the supper, so it's around 7-7.30.

E: And, who do you usually eat your meals with?

Y: We eat, I eat with my husband and my son.

E: And do you prefer eating at home or in restaurants?

Y: I used to like going out with my husband and, before the baby was born (mm-mm), but with the baby it's a lot easier and more comfortable to eat at home. So, now I prefer to eat at home.

E: Ok, and on what occasions in your country do people eat special meals?

Y: In Japan, we eat very special food, um, on the New Year's Day, and what kind? It's, everything, everything is about housewives, so they prepare, couple of days before the New Year's Day, um, to not to work on the day (I see), so you can have a rest the whole day. The foods, all the foods, how can I say, all the foods are eaten to keep in store for the next few days. And the decoration of the food are special as well.

E: And what kind of food is it?

Y: It's like, it's just like egg rolls or fishcakes, and noodles or soup, all different kinds, so many different kinds of little (ok) portions, you, that housewives normally makes (uh-huh) for the New Year.

Part 2 (4.35-7.07)

E: Ok, next I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk you have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Y: Yes.

E: Here's some paper and a pencil. I'd like you to describe a piece of technology you find useful. You should say:

what it is
when you use it
what you are able to do with it
and explain why you find it so useful

Alright? Remember, you have one to two minutes, so don't worry if I stop you. Can you start please?

Y: Ok, um, I think the piece of technology I find useful is the mobile phone. Um, well, I use almost every day, and, I what I can do with it is mostly to talk. I can also send text messages, and something I don't do it here, because my phone is not, doesn't have the latest technology. But, when I was in Japan, I used to browse internet through my mobile phone, and we can take a picture with the mobile phone. And, that's, well, maybe they have more different function, but that's basically what I use it. And why I find it useful, especially when we meet someone, outside, we, I couldn't imagine how we used to do without mobile phone. We say, ok, let's meet around there, and we can't find each other, let's call the mobile phone, and, which makes feel very easy to meet someone outside and, you know, if someone's late you can also say "I'm late, because, blah, blah, blah." But, without the mobile phone, um, 10-15 years ago, I just couldn't remember how we tried to meet each other without finding out where they are or why they're late. And, maybe, maybe I used to wait for an hour or two hours, just to find out why they are not coming. So now it's very easy and I think that's probably for me is the biggest benefit to have a mobile phone.

E: Ok, thank you. And do many of your friends have one of these?

Y: I think so, all of my friends yes. (uh-huh)

Part 3 (7.08-12.39)

E: Ok, we've been talking about a piece of technology you find useful and now I'd like to ask you one or two more general questions related to this. Let's consider, first of all, technology and communication. What are some of the main uses of technology for communication?

Y: Email, um, I think it's email probably the first, the most...

E: And how do people use email for communication?

Y: Um, how do they use? If they use for work or they use, um, well in the family, they talk to friends, um, yeah.

E: And do you agree that some people use technology for communication too much?

Y: I think especially email, sometimes I feel like, um, you, what I mean, especially when you, I feel that when I receive email, I feel like it's, it's an obligation to reply to email and, but, quite most of the time it's just not necessary and um, maybe work, it's probably good for work, but in terms of communicating with the friends and families, um, sometimes I prefer the old style of writing letters, because it's attached to more kind of personal feeling rather than electric (mm-mm) words and writing (mm-mm), yeah, but I think sometimes people use probably too much.

E: Do you prefer email to phoning, for example?

Y: It's, although I say it, that it's easy to actually, easy to write one simple text than message and send to email. If, if you call them, you prepare, you have to talk. So, I think the best thing is, you, you choose the type of communication depending on what you have to say (mm-mm) and that's probably the best way to, to live with the technology. (mm-mm)

E: Ok, what differences are there between the attitudes of older people and the attitudes of younger people to technology for communication?

Y: It's easy to say with my parents as an example, um, they couldn't do anything, they couldn't use a mobile, they couldn't use computer before, but once they know, once they know they don't break it, they don't break them with touching them, then they will probably get used to it, but it still take time, but I think younger people are not afraid of. They know it won't break with just touching and pressing a key. And I think that's only the difference. Once older people get used to it, they're still slow but they know how, how convenient it is and how easy to use, then they get along with it (mm-mm) so I think that's only the different attitude younger people and older people have.

E: Ok, now let's consider technology and work. Would you agree that technology has had a positive impact on the world of work?

Y: Yes, I do, um, (in what way) it just makes them, I think it makes people, makes it easy for people to go around everywhere, and... having a mobile phone, for example, you can actually go out the office, but still talk to your clients if you need to although before you have to, you had to stay in the office waiting for the call, or, or you have to write a fax, or you have to send a letter, but now everything can be done by email, mobile phone and you can be mobile, you could be anywhere.

E: And how has technology affected the way people relate to each other at work?

Y: Um, because using those technologies, um, making people think it's easier to communicate, actually sometimes it happens that people actually misunderstand each other easier than before, um, because it's so easy to, for example, so easy to reply email in a quick send of a button, and you can't, if it's wrong, if you think it's a mistake, you can't do anything about it. Once it's sent and it's already there and the other person receives it and also you can't, you can't explain too much about it, with the feeling you actually have through the email, because I've had it done quite a few times, and then it became a big fight in the end, but if I pick up the phone or if I went to see them (right) and I talk to them (mm-mm) face-to-face, then it couldn't be that bad, but because of the email, or, or even fax if you just write a sentence, then without seeing the other people will probably affect sometimes a misunderstanding or miscommunication (mm-mm) with each other.

E: Ok, thank you. That is the end of the speaking test. Bye-bye.

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